Monday, November 2, 2009


It's been awhile since I've posted and it's mainly because I have been preoccupied with a lot of the political situations going on in Washingon D.C. Having read the health care bill and observing the decisions made by this administration it does concern me where our country is heading. Morally, we as a nation are becoming bankrupt. The president has decided that it is no longer necessary for the federal government to pursue obscenity law violators. This may seem to be a small matter, but we should consider the implications. Granted, the laws on the books basically keep the pornography industry barely respectable, outlawing, the use of animals, extreme violence and children in adult material, but if the federal government does not feel this is worth enforcing what does that say 1. about our culture and leadership, 2. to those engaged in selling smut? It is a very shameful fact of my life that I am acquainted with adult book stores and the things that go on there. I can tell you that the majority of pornography peddled to the average person does not violate federal law, but as I mentioned in my testimony, pornography infects a person much like a gateway drug pushes a user into heavier substances. The viewing of standard pornography can eventually become so mundane that it ceases to arouse the individual in the way that they desire. The next step is to find something "new". This does not mean that person will immediately jump to child pornography or bestiality, but generally the tastes will slowly, gradually become more fringe or extreme. One of the few things that keep the average sex addict or porn addict from pursuing adult material that objectifies minors is the knowledge of its illegality. It is that subconscious fear of potential ramifications that can keep men and women on the right side of the law. However, when the federal government publicly states not that these things are illegal but that they are not going to actively pursue violators it removes the one remaining safeguard built up in the subconscious defenses of the addict. Once a door like this is opened it can be extrememly difficult to close. In fact, once and addict in need of a better or riskier "fix" gets a hold of this new eperience it then becomes impossible to return to the old habits. I fear that this decision by our leadership, while seemingly freeing up unnecessary man hours pursuing frivolous harmless crimes, will in fact further denegrate our society. As I mentioned earlier regarding the adult bookstore dealers and visitors, it is common knowledge that there are certain places offer these kinds of "entertainment" to those who know how to ask. Granted not all bookstores engage in this illegal activity, but if there are two stores in one town, one most likely does. Ths country was founded on Christian ideals and principles. Many of which created a moral atmosphere in which the public could coexist. If we errode the boundaries of what is right and wrong in this country there will be nothing left to keep us afloat. I urge all who might read this to consider even the minor decisions made on all levels of government and the potential effect it will have on our nation.

God bless.

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